My Educator of the year | Teen Ink

My Educator of the year

November 18, 2019
By anadubois BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
anadubois BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To Carrie Schulz.

I am 16 right now, and I am doing my penultimate year of high school in the US.

Carrie is my coordinator, as an exchange student.

Most of you, while you are reading this, you will be thinking "well, that is her job", I am sure about that.

The job of this kind of coordinators is to take care of their exchange students and to make sure that they are enjoying their experiences and enjoying with their host families. 

To go to another country, without your family, without your language, without your culture; that is the most difficult thing I have ever done. This experience is helping me to grow up as a person, and to take care of every single thing I have. 

There is something called 'homesick'. That is one of the worst diseases that someone can have. 

That feeling, when you feel alone, with no one around you, and you think that the answer is on an airplane to go back home, but you cannot do that.  In that moment, you have to start to talk to yourself, and help yourself to fight with loneliness and with bad feelings. Facetiming mom sometimes, or facetiming your best friend, can help. Or maybe not, because it really hurts when you need a real hug so bad, and you cannot find that hug in anyone.

Okay, here is time to talk with Carrie. To tell her that you are already in that phase, totally desperate. I did. I talked to her, plenty of times. But for some reason, everything affects me more than any time, and I didn't let myself to convince that that feelings are the normal feelings, of being here. 

Today it's November 8th, we are almost at the end of the year, and Carrie has been here, right by my side since August. Telling me that I'll be alright, that every single person that knows me, is proud of me. That everyone is gonna be waiting for me in June. That I am going to travel, I am going to meet new people, I am going to go back to my country talking two languages. Just telling me things to build myself. Things I needed to hear. And I know that I am a hard person, I mean; I am a hard person because when something is hurting, It's so hard to me to get over it, but that things helped me. Now I am better, and more excited to live everything I am going to live. 

You taught me that this is a rollercoaster feelings experience. After the storm, comes the calm always.

Thank you Carrie.

The author's comments:

I have written about her because she is being very helpful and nice with me, and we already love each other. I think it's so deep and real, I really like it and I am very proud of me.

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