My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 18, 2019
By juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There isn’t one single moment that I can pick out to highlight my AP Government and Politics teacher from Arrowhead High School, Ms. Varsos. Instead, there is a collection of moments I remember, like a bouquet of flowers. Ms. Varsos is the most understanding, dedicated, and kind-hearted teacher I have ever had.

I’m a focused person. In school, I keep to myself, with the occasional hello to my friends and other teachers I see in the hallways. I try to make the most out of my day and get work done, which means I’m a pretty quiet student. This changed my first day in Ms. Varsos’s class.

Ms. Varsos’s energy and personality are contagious. Whenever I walked into her class, I could feel the mood shift. It was inspiring to be a part of something like that. For me, her class was a break from my hectic, stressful life. It was a time to debrief, relax, and of course, learn. 

She wants to know each student in her class as a human, not just a test machine or an essay manufacturer. She really cares. That is very clear in every instance and one of the most important traits of a teacher. Mrs. Varsos is the kind of teacher that makes me want to work hard and be a good person inside and outside of the classroom.

Starting the summer going into my junior year, my family experienced ups and downs. The reason for this? Irrelevant. All that is important is that throughout my junior year, problems persisted. Every moment felt like a struggle and I had a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It felt like my whole world was collapsing in on itself.

I needed somebody to talk to, and Ms. Varsos was that person. Welcoming me with open arms and understanding eyes, I stayed after class and talked with her often. Venting to her, Ms. Varosos listened patiently and I trusted her with all of my thoughts. She helped me understand this problem was not mine to fix. This was something that took me months to understand and accept. Ms. Varsos was the person who helped me realize that. 

Ms. Varsos is a special kind of educator. She is a teacher I will never forget. I am grateful I got to learn from, talk with, and listen to what Ms. Varsos has to share. I don’t believe I’ve ever thanked Ms. Varsos for her lasting impact on me and how much I appreciate her. 

She has given me this collection of memories and lessons, this bouquet of flowers. She taught me not just about the U.S. Government, but about life as well. Those lessons, I hold close to my heart. So with that, thank you Ms. Varsos, thank you for listening to me, thank you for inspiring me, thank you for being the light at the end of the tunnel, and thank you for being the best teacher I have ever had. 

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