Mr. Nick Pflieger | Teen Ink

Mr. Nick Pflieger

April 11, 2022
By kaelynf_1234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
kaelynf_1234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My stomach dropped. It was the first time I have ever been called to the guidance office. I was scared that I had gotten in trouble, or maybe somebody died. I walked into the guidance office and froze. 

“Do you have an appointment dear?” Ms. Kempen, the guidance secretary, asked me. I shook my head and walked over to her desk. 

“No ma’am, I was told to come to guidance.” I could barely get the words out of my mouth. I was mortified that I was even in there. I stole a couple glances between each counselor’s office before a man shot into the doorway. 

“You must be Kaelyn, I called you down here. I just want to chat really quick, you’ll be back to study hall in no time.” He waved me into his office and gestured for me to sit at the circle table in the corner of his office. “I am Mr. Pflieger, the south campus school psychologist. I just wanted to meet you and chat a bit,” he said. His office was covered in pride flags, Lego sets, and pictures of his husband and kids. It was a very bright, fun, and comforting environment to be in. 

We started having monthly meetings that allowed me to vent and open up to him, and he would sit there and listen. He listened to me rant about the silly things that were happening with my friends and in my classes and he cared. He genuinely cared. For the first time in a while, I felt as if what I was saying was finally being heard. Mr. Pflieger made me feel validated and understood, almost as if we were friends instead of teacher and student. 

I remember one specific day that made me incredibly thankful for him. It was the day that I came out to him. I walked into his office and my legs were shaking, but then I remembered who I was talking to. A man with pictures of his husband, and pride flags all around his office. My legs became perfectly still. After I told him that I was bisexual, he told me about what it was like for him growing up queer in a catholic family and asked me if I had support. 

Mr. Pflieger is one of the kindest and funniest educators that I have ever met. I am incredibly thankful for that first meeting with him. I would like to thank him for always being there for me, even though I am at a different campus now. 

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