Mrs. Elizabeth Jorgensen | Teen Ink

Mrs. Elizabeth Jorgensen

April 12, 2022
By 2newman BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2newman BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I got my first job in the last few weeks of 2020.  During the first weeks I met many other people who I would work with both directly and indirectly.  There were many people who I would meet in these first few weeks that I would not get to know well but Cory was not that kind of person.  Cory was outgoing and helpful to anyone that he ran into so it made sense for me to learn from the person who cared the most about what he was doing.  I actively sought out Cory if I needed help knowing that he would help me find the answer to any question I had no matter the problem.  His dedication to his job influenced me in finding dedication to my job and working outside of my job title to fix problems so they would not arise in the future. 

Things would change for the better when I learned that Cory would soon transfer from his old position to my boss where we would work closely together.  In the past, my boss would give me general direction on what needed to be done but the majority of my time was up to my ability to do what was needed before the next day. This made my job robotic like doing the same task workday after workday. Finding someone who cares about their job and is as electric as Cory is is beneficial to me and my area of work because it allowed me to have a less stressful job while having fun working with someone.

Cory’s dedication to his job was not the only thing that made him special, his personality did.  Cory is the person to crack a joke and smile though the problems and work to help the next person if it was me, other coworkers, or customers.  His dedication to his job helped me understand more about being a responsible person and necessary values in being successful in the workplace.  As a result my stay at that job has lasted longer than I would have ever expected and his ability to care for his coworkers and keep things interesting is what keeps me working there.  Even though the rough days knowing that Cory works next is a relief that everything is going to be alright because it is done right.

More people who care about their job, getting things done and having a fun time doing it are essential to a work environment that keeps you dedicated to your job and caring about each person that you interact with.  Cory embodies all of these and adds more to the workplace than what is expected of him making him my favorite educator.

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