Scott | Teen Ink


February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

Out of the handful instructors that I had as substitutes for when you were unable to fly, none of them are as informative and as fun as you. Flying with you is extremely awesome because you give detailed explanations and you know every little detail about the aircrafts. Even better, you and I are into racing which makes it nice because in a way, you can help relate motions and how parts operate from a car to the airplane.

I always enjoy flying with you, but the time that I really enjoyed was when we took the flight down to Burlington Airport for the first time back in December flying the C-172 for the first time as well. I enjoyed this because it put some pressure on me, learning a new aircraft along with doing checklists and calls at an uncontrolled airspace. But when I fumbled a little bit you would let the pressure sink in, and then of course you were there to help me pick the ball back up and keep moving along with procedures. 

Another flight I will always remember is when we took a detour in our lesson to fly over the Badger Kart Club. This was an awesome experience because I never had seen the kart club from above, and to see it from above with another racer from that track was just awesome.

You have taught me many things through flying with you such as terms and maneuvers.  Some are which will stick with me for the rest of my career. Such as whenever I will practice a go around when landing, I’ll think of there being a bus full of nuns on the runway. Or for example a skill you have taught me in any maneuver is as you enter a turn, you add rudder to where you are turning. Another is when you are landing with a crosswind, you introduced me to keep in mind to touchdown on the upwind main. And there are various others too.

I also appreciate the activities you do outside of flying. Such as the time you came out to Badger Kart Club to watch my race. That meant a lot to me because not a lot of people I know make it out to my races, and for my flight instructor too, that meant a lot. As well with you have offered to trailer my snowmobile and go riding with you when there is snow on the ground.

All in All, I am just super blessed to have you as my flight instructor. I really appreciate all you do for me and to help me. I will miss you when you go off to the airlines!

The author's comments:

Scott has been my flight instructor for the past few years.

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