Mrs. carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. carnell

February 14, 2023
By RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. carnell 

 By riley jensen grade 12 


We live our days out with just going in the flow. We're always in a certain cycle of rinse and repeat especially when we are in school. We sit down and try to listen to the teacher about a new topic then take the test and repeat. That's why school was something I always dreaded. 

I can still remember my first day of Mrs Carnell's class. It was at the end of the day for a block class which I wasn't looking forward to. I walk from my dark biotechnology class to this bright room with light pouring in from the windows. I was pleasantly surprised to see one of my best friends in this class. We weren't too excited about the class knowing we'd be writing for 2 straight periods. 

We are then greeted by Mrs. Carnell and her bubbly personality. She just seemed so genuine and actually wanted us to be there. Throughout our time in the class she had personal conversations with us—just really trying to get to know us. That's what got me to listen because when you're sharing personal writing pieces and that person then takes time to talk to you it makes a difference. 

This is where I learned I actually could enjoy writing and it wasn't just about expressing yourself about a topic that was given to you. I skated in all my other English classes. I never made much of an effort in the classes. Once I had an understanding that there weren't so many stresses behind it and everyone writes in their own way I grew a love for it and put my 100% in during those two periods at the end of the day. 

She did not only teach me about writing though she helped me with the understanding that making connections with people is very important. And to be the best human we can. She would tell me about the kids who didn't even give her a response when she said hi to them and that made me understand to treat everyone the best you can no matter how you feel. 

she made me a better writer and person 

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