Tavis Hackathorn | Teen Ink

Tavis Hackathorn

March 7, 2013
By Dylan St. Jean BRONZE, Basehor, Kansas
Dylan St. Jean BRONZE, Basehor, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tavis Hackathorn

Do you have a favorite teacher that you will never forget? Mr. Hackathron is that teacher for me. He is my Algebra 1 teacher and last year my Science teacher. He teaches us in a fun way! I am not a big fan of math but I look forward to going into his class every day. If I don’t quite understand something, he explains it in a way that I can comprehend it better.He teaches Algebra 1 and seventh and eighth grade science. Not only that but he also coaches the freshman, junior varsity, and varsity basketball. He tends to be busy when doing all of that. He is a very good coach and we win lots of games. Everyone who is in basketball loves him as their coach. In his science class you do lots of labs which make it more interesting than just taking notes. It also helps us visualizes what we were learning about which helps us to understand. It helps us to get good grades in his classes. He attends the same church as me and teaches a youth group on Sundays. When he does devotions in the mornings you can really learn a lot about what is beneficial to us in the future. He is a good, godly man and will be one of my favorite teachers.

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