EOY jeffrey gillis | Teen Ink

EOY jeffrey gillis

April 17, 2013
By jeffrey gillis BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
jeffrey gillis BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher that I nominate for the Educator of the Year is Mrs. Foxwell. I nominate Mrs. Foxwell because she has always been there for me, in school and on the basketball court. She always wanted the best for me and always led me to success. She taught me so many good tips and suggestions for high school and my life as a young adult.

The most important reason that I am nominating mrs. Foxwell for educator of the year is because she is a great person. She always has a positive attitude and wants the best for you. I like this in a teacher, when you’re doing work, she always tries to cheer you up and make it the most entertaining it can possibly be. She is the most enthusiastic teacher I have ever had.

Another reason why she is the best teacher is because she will teach the lesson in the most productive way. She will teach the way that the students will learn the most from. She will always make sure everyone knows the lesson before she tests you. If you have a question about anything she will answer it and make sure you know what you’re doing before she moves on.

Mrs. Foxwell always wants the best for you, and she wants you to succeed. She treats you like you are her own kid. She always makes sure you are okay and in a good mood, and if you are not in a good mood, she will cheer you up. In basketball when I would do something wrong she would tell me what I did wrong so I could get better.

Those are the reasons why I nominate Mrs. Foxwell for the Educator of the Year contest.

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