Educator of the Year Mrs.T | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Mrs.T

April 17, 2013
By Sam29 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Sam29 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination

I had a teacher throughout middle school who makes me glad when I think of her and think of all the memories she helped create. This special teacher was Mrs. Tannenbaum. She taught both math and science in our school.

Mrs. Tannenbaum was always willing to go the extra step in order to help her students. She wanted each and every one of us to succeed and understand the concepts of math and science. She also dedicated her time after the school day was done to run the Science Olympiad team.

Looking back now, I am sure it was not always easy for her. As middle school students we probably made it hard some days for her to do her job. She had to be creative and inventive in trying to get through to us and teach us exactly what we needed to know. She never gave up on anyone no matter how obnoxious we may have been. She would always be there to offer her help if we asked.

I remember all the labs we did in science. The coolest lab was in 6th grade when we had to dissect a fish which smelled up the whole room. This lab was partnered with the 8th grade students. Another time a student in my class brought a deer head into class. There were all kinds of interesting experiments we got to do.

Mrs. Tannenbaum is an unforgettable teacher. I think I will always remember her because of the way she made the classroom fun for learning. I believe she really cared about our whole class body and tried to make our days memorable while educating us. Mrs. Tannenbaum is my all time favorite teacher. All of these examples and more are why I am nominating Mrs. Tannenbaum for Educator of the Year!

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