Favorite teacher Coach Peters | Teen Ink

Favorite teacher Coach Peters

October 25, 2013
By Joe Hilliaed BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
Joe Hilliaed BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think my history teach Coach Peters should win the teachers award. I think he should win it for several reasons because he is one of the best teachers we have here at Highland Home. He is a very exciting teacher because you never know what we are going to learn about and he makes it fun to learn about boring history, but I'm going to tell you a couple reasons on why you should pick him to be you're award winner.

His style of teaching is unlike any style I've ever experienced by a teacher, he likes to have fun with the history we are learning. He keeps our class interested in the subject by telling us stuff our books don't. We don't really take a lot of notes but we take important notes, and sometimes we look up our own notes and we tell him the notes we saw and he tells us more about them. If you asked me his teaching style helps us make better grades because we listen to him because it's interesting.

He should also get this award for his involvement in school activities, he has a lot of school spirit, whenever you seem him he's always cheering on a team at the school or wearing blue and white colors. Coach Peters isn't only a teacher he also is a football coach and at one time was a baseball coach and very good one at that. He also cleans up trash around the school, whenever he see's a piece of garbage he isn't to good to stop and pick it up and he encourages us to do the same. Coach Peters is very involved with our school and he loves to be there everyday.

Coach Peters does so much for Highland Home he not only is a football coach and a history teacher, he also is a mentor to many people at our school he is a great person to look up to. He puts his students first he makes sure they know what they need to for his test and the test we have to take to graduate school. He also teaches some debate classes for a elective class. Coach Peters is at the school six days out of the week either teaching or coaching football to make our school better at academics and sports.

So as you can read if it was my choice he'd be the winner of this contest, but you all are the judges so y'all should pick my history teacher. You should pick him because he's unlike any of the other teachers, he's a mentor, a coach, and just a good citizen and staff at great school. So please pick Peters as your winner of this contest and get him recognized by people for the hard and great work he does for the bright young minds of the United States children.

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