Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Josh Peters | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year: Coach Josh Peters

October 25, 2013
By Kerrialexis BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Kerrialexis BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
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?Everyone has that one teacher that they will never forget. For me that teacher is Coach Josh Peters. Coach Peters is the 11th and 12th grade history teacher and debate teacher at Highland Home School. Coach Peters has proven that he is worthy to be the Teen Ink Educator of the Year. He deserves this award because of his style of teaching, involvement in school, and what he does for his students.
?Coach Peters uses several different styles of teaching. The styles he uses include lectures, group work, debating and demonstrating. Along with these styles he teaches in a way that portrays his personality. He also uses methods that correlate with his students lives. He has great styles of teaching but he is also involved in school.
?Coach Peters is very involved in school, especially for a teacher who has only been at Highland Home School for a year. He is the football coach for the junior varsity and varsity teams. He spends many extra hours at the school doing lesson plans and going over football tapes. He also goes to many school functions. Not only does Coach Peters get involved with school, but he does so much for the students.
?Coach Peters does many things for the students at Highland Home School. There is not a day that he is not encouraging a student in a positive way. He relates to the students more than any other teacher and the students feel like they can confide and trust in him. He never frowns and gives great advice to students, making him a great role model. These three things are the reasons Coach Peters deserves to be the Teen Ink Educator of the Year.
?The Teen Ink Educator of the Year should be Coach Josh Peters because of his teaching methods, involvement in school, and what he does for the students. Coach Peters uses a variety of teaching methods that relates to the lives of his students. He is involved with football, goes to many school functions and spends many extra hours at the school. Coach Peters encourages his students, relates to them and is a role model for them. After explaining what a great teacher Coach Peters is, there is no question why he is the teacher I will never forget and why he should be the Teen Ink Educator of the Year.

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