Mr.O`kneski nomination | Teen Ink

Mr.O`kneski nomination

March 25, 2014
By Anonymous

The teacher that I feel deserves the title Educator of the Year is Mr.O`kneski. He is the first civics teacher that has really made me think about civics as more than just a grade. I used to think of civics as a mere pain and waste of time, but Mr.O has got me interested in the subject. He also takes the entire problem of missing notes by showing all of them on the board for a good portion of the class and allowing you to print them from your computer using drop box. This makes studying and being prepared for class a lot smoother. For these reasons and more I believe Mr.O should be the Educator of the year.
I feel that Mr.O has a great way of teaching since it easy to get the notes if you are absent; you can print them out, and the important stuff is easy to copy down from a friend. The way he tells the class information is by using tons of easy to understand comparisons, and I feel like I can understand almost all of it even though I’m not that knowledgeable about civics. Actually, most of the time I’m learning something every class.
The class is very interactive when we talk about the news and have discussions and debates on what’s happening in the world. He makes the class share ideas on what we think for each topic that’s happening in the world. Then, when we are doing the classwork, we also have debates and discussions about the events in class. This way we learn more about the subject. We can also get all our questions answered a lot easier because we can use those points in a discussion.
The class is also fun because the discussions are educational and entertaining. He always jumps in on the discussions of the class and comments on our opinions, and if we state something wrong, we get to hear the correct statement and sometimes get to hear Mr.O thinks. The class is always amusing and very lively. This class is by far the most entertaining class I have been in, and I’m glad to be able to take it.
Overall, these points describe only some of what is great about Mr.O and his class. The class is so great it is hard to describe. I can only restate what I have been saying: It’s fun, very educational, and has interactive learning. There really is nothing left to say besides I hope Mr.O`kneski gets the Educator of the Year award since he deserves it.

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