Long Live Group Guidance | Teen Ink

Long Live Group Guidance

March 25, 2014
By priceaustin0 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
priceaustin0 BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most teachers you think of are boring and only in the classroom to teach you information you really don’t care about. But there are a few teachers who stand out from all the boring teachers, and those teachers always have their class learn more information faster and more efficiently. One of those teachers just so happens to be my mom.

It all started on my first day of middle school when I got out of her car and walked into her office. Most of my fifth grade teachers did not make a very good impression on me, but at the end of the day when I walked to my last class, I noticed something different. I noticed all the fun pictures on the walls and the giant smart board in the front of the room with my mom, Michelle Donohue, standing at the front of the classroom.

The classroom was full of so many different colors and items on the walls. When the bell rang the class got quite interesting. The way that she spoke to the class let everyone know what was going on. She told us that her goal in our group guidance class was to assure her students that they were going to learn what they needed to in her class and that’s the bottom line.

As the year went on, the class gradually got better and better grades until finally they were so good there was not much more we didn’t already know about group guidance. My mom, Michelle Donohue, always has a visual aid for the class to learn from which made the class fun. She made the class unique and not the same old thing like in every other class in middle school.

Michelle Donohue should be the Educator of the Year because without her unique style of teaching no one in middle school would have gotten grades as good as they did in group guidance. Without her fun and creative slideshows on the Smart board about bullying or a fun game to play on a topic we were learning, group guidance would not have been as easy as it was. Mrs. Donohue has a special developed skill of teaching a classroom full of kids, and without her, group guidance would not have been the same. Thanks, Mom!

The author's comments:
I am so inspired by my mom that I decided she deserves to be nominated as the Teacher of the Year.

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