Educator of the Year-Danielle Moore | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year-Danielle Moore

March 30, 2014
By Sortino BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
Sortino BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How can you tell if someone deserves the Educator of the Year Award? Well that’s a no brainer…They turn your life around and get you back on track. For me? I thought about it long and hard, and I believe the person who deserves this is Danielle Moore. She was my 5th grade teacher, but my connection with her truly deepened more in middle school. Especially in the 8th grade. She is now currently an Instructional Specialist at Providence Creek Academy, but for me, she was a shoulder to lean on. She was a best friend to me when I truly needed one. The 8th grade was a hard year for me personally; she however helped me through it. To this day I stay in touch with her and continue to talk to her about my improvement and about recent struggles.

From the start of September 2012, my world turned upside down. She helped me cope with my mother’s sudden diagnosis of thyroid cancer. As she got me over that challenge, she dove headfirst into the next challenge that followed exactly a week after that. My best friend passed away in her sleep. When I found out on the bus that morning, I ran to her office; I shattered. She was notified about the situation of Taylor’s passing. I waited for her till she came in from her morning duties; she pulled me close for a big hug. I cried into her shoulder broken. Mrs. Moore just stayed calm the entire time and waited till I calmed down. Throughout the entire day I found myself back in her office, just wanting to go home, but she encouraged me to stay strong just as she was doing. Taylor use to be a former student there. Mrs. Moore helped me cope with her passing, while she herself was copping with her own pain as well. As the year dragged further on I struggled with depression. She never gave up hope on me. She stayed by my side the entire way through.

Every day she told me her door was always open. Anytime I need her, to talk to her, to just hug her and cry or to just sit down and calm down from a stressful day. She always sat and listened to me, she wasn’t just a former teacher or a counselor; she was exactly like a second mother. She always cared about me, told me we could overcome any struggles and that to get through this we needed to stay strong. To keep our heads raised high, even if I felt like it was the most ridiculous thing to try and do through all the pain and tears. Mrs. Moore always said there was nothing we couldn’t do. Even when I felt like there was nothing more I could do, that giving up was the only option, and that I felt like I couldn’t fight anymore, she was always there.

She encouraged me to try different things to help take my mind off my depression. I joined the yearbook committee; she was the leader of it too. So even when I stayed after school, I knew that if anything happened when I stayed after school, I would feel safe and sound knowing she was there also. She never did anything for me without asking for my permission. When she was notified that my depression had gotten worse, she confronted me gently. She pulled me aside waited for me to stop crying so I could talk to her. She never forced me to tell her anything unless I was truly ready to tell her. She never pressured me to do anything. She knew that the entire day would be a struggle for me, and she was aware she was leaving school for a meeting. She asked me if there was a teacher I would have everyday that I felt comfortable with in knowing what my situation was. Realizing where she was coming from, I agreed. She was worried about me, and she wanted to be able to have someone there who I could go to if she was unavailable.

No matter how terrible 8th grade turned out, no matter how much I hated that at the end of the year I would be leaving my second mother, I knew that she would forever be in my heart. We

continue to talk about all the things I have been able to over come with her help. She truly turned my life around and helped me fix what I thought could never be fixed. And for that I am forever grateful. She means the world to me, and she cares about every student there. I truly believe this award should go to this wonderful woman. She deserves this because she took all my troubles and made them right, when I was losing hope. All of these reasons here are why I believe she is the Educator of the Year. Even if she doesn’t win this nomination, she will be the Educator of the Year to me, and truly that should be the only thing that matters.

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