Mrs.Munkwitz | Teen Ink


March 31, 2014
By Asisk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Asisk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Munkwitz is the best teacher I have ever had. She strives to get each student interested in every new topic and I have seen firsthand how much work she puts in to develop, teach and grade material. Mrs. Munkwitz spends time both inside and outside of school to be a better educator for her students.
Last semester, her room was full of kids every open period she had, getting help on papers and readings. When I asked her why she let everyone come in, she only said that she had invited them. This struck me how deeply she cared about her students` understanding of the material. She gave up all of her free periods and lunch to help them and she always controlled the room at all times.
I love reading. It is one of my few true passions and Mrs. Munkwitz guided me to read books she had liked that weren’t involved with the class such as The Devil in the White City. She helped to develop my passion into a lifestyle all of its own. She also helped me with my personal problems as well, she would listen to my current crushes, friend squabbles, and parent arguments. She then tried to help me figure out a good solution and she gave me insight on what the other person may be thinking. She deserves recognition for her considerable effort to better the minds of our generation.

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