Chris Herriot | Teen Ink

Chris Herriot

March 31, 2014
By BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chris Herriot

I didn’t know what to expect from a guy like Mr. Herriot; the only thing I knew he was a teacher and track coach. But my perspective of him changed when I had him my junior year for US History. He was an exciting teacher. He gave the class current events that I never even heard of; they were the strangest and out of the ordinary. If a student was late for class, four times, Mr. Herriot would give them the option to either take the Saturday or dance on the floor like a sizzling piece of bacon. He would give his side comments about these ordeals and end it with Merica.
Other than that, Mr. Herriot was a fit teacher. He looks like he could be something more than a teacher; he hunts, he coaches track, and enjoys working with kids. I really thought he was just another teacher trying to get through the day with all these juniors and seniors by acting the way he does. But this is a lie. He mad classes fun for all his students in class. He would always mess around with the students as if they were his own children. Herriot is like a father figure in the classroom.
He caught me off guard my senior year; I was depressed and upset everyday at school. Why? Just some stupid high school relationship drama and I even busted my hand because of that garbage. But he came to me after class and talked to me about my problem. He told me he went through the same stuff when he was in high school too. He wasn’t only a teacher, but I considered him one of my friends I can go to when I’m in trouble. Mr. Herriot is a great teacher in the classroom and outside of it.

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