Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 20, 2015
By Anonymous

The educator that I nominate for this award would be my coach, Mrs. Allison Brantley, at East Bernard High School. She is my coach for varsity volleyball, but year round she pushes me to be the best I can be.

She has recently taken the position of Girls Athletic Coordinator and her first year has definitely impacted the program in many positive ways. She has changed the workouts, consequences, and the upkeep of the gym. All of these actions are positive reflections of the changes in our program. She has taught us responsibility and respect for not only each other, but our school and school programs. She pushes us to excel in not only in athletics, but academics as well. Academic success lays the foundation of our future and athletic success lays the foundation of our work ethics.

As my coach, Mrs. Brantley expects a lot out of me on and off the court. She knows how far she can push me and how much I am capable of even when I cannot see it yet. She is a tough coach and does a lot to make sure we excel in our abilities, but when the game is over she is someone we can all look up to and shape our lives after.
Coach Brantley is one of those people you trust to look out for you and help you succeed in whatever it is you do. I do believe my future is brighter because of the guidance and experience I have gained from her being my coach. This and more is why she deserves the Educator of the Year Award.

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