Educator | Teen Ink


October 7, 2015
By jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Steve Manne is a loving father, a hard worker (whether it be at his job or while doing volunteer work), and my basketball coach. He started my Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) team our first year in high school, so my friends and I would have somewhere to play.
He has been my coach since sixth grade and emphasises the importance of keeping faith and staying true to God. This shows me that someone who works long hours can still make the time to go to church and stay true to his faith.
I looked forward to going to CYM practices because I got to play the sport I love with all my friends.I'm glad he came because the last years with him were terrific. He taught us how to be a team and play like a team.
Steve Manne worked hard and has to travel for work, but he always finds way to get to practice--even if it means staying up at night working in order to be with the team. During the week, when he has to work, he does not get to see his family, so you would often see them at practices. Bringing his family to practice showed he cares about spending time with them. How hard he works during the basketball season gives us the motivation to work hard to make it worth his time.
Although work, family and the team are important to him, his faith is the most important. Steve is at church every week and he finds a way to help out. Whenever there are places who need volunteers, he sends an email to his players to see who wanted to help with the work. Every winter, there is a volunteer project at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, where we help kids with math, reading, and writing. He is always looking for something to help out with. This inspired me to do more for the community because Steve Manne is setting an example .
Coach Manne made our team a family by bringing us together. Friday nights, before practice, one of the players came up with the idea of a “pizza party” an hour or so before practices. Coach Manne found a way to make that happen so our team could have more time with each other. Before one practice on a Friday, he asked if anyone would want to watch a film, eat pizza, and drink fizzy soda. This shows how much Steve Manne care about the players and wants to spend time with them.
Being a part of Steve Manne’s team helped me to become more of a leader and to be more responsible. He taught me the importance of faith and the importance of being with family. The volunteer trips and basketball practices has taught my team the importances of family, faith and helping the community.

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