Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 18, 2016
By Danny24 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Danny24 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who’s the Educator of the Year? Mr. Walker of course. Now you may ask, Why? The answer to that question is that he is nice, motivational, and he uses time wisely. Also, he's just a great guy. He has a wife and a baby, and he is always volunteering to cover classes, chaperone or whatever people might need him to do.


Firstly, the reason I think he’s nice is the fact that he always wants to help because he likes to see us succeed. He takes the time to help us individually if that's what we need; many teachers just don’t want to help individuals like Mr. Walker, probably because they just don’t care as much. Also, he stays after school most days to help anyone who needs extra help. He’s always smiling and in a great mood, never unhappy or annoyed. He always says you can come to him in study hall to get a better grip on the information. Another thing he does is come into school with a great attitude every day.

Secondly, I think he uses his time wisely because he always has a plan on how the class is going to go that day.He also has a saying that is famous to him “ it's a work day”, and if he has a lot of notes for us to write that day, he will give us guided notes, so we can get more done. Mr. Walker will put all the notes on his website if you miss them for any reason; he just won’t let you not reach your goal which is to learn something new everyday. Another way he uses his time wisely is when you see him in study hall working on his lesson plans for the day; in his mind, there's not a second to waste.

He’s motivational because he always tells you that you can do it and that you have the potential. He always helps you set goals to achieve, and he never lets you give up on them. Also, he makes sure we are having fun while we are learning; he never lets us lose interest in class.He is also the varsity lacrosse coach, and his guys are always pumped up.When you do something wrong, he doesn't scream and yell or try and embarrass you; he tells you what you did wrong, so you can fix it and do better next time.

Motivational, nice, and he uses time wisely: the three characteristics of Mr. Walker, a candidate for Educator of the Year. I think he has a really good chance of winning it too. Don't let him fool you, he might look like a normal guy, but he's an amazing teacher and a good person. I hope you think he's as much of a great educator  as I do.

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