My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

May 8, 2018
By Anonymous

In eighth grade I am heading to chess club after a long day at North Shore middle school. I am greeted by the same friendly face that always greets all students. A teacher and the leader of the chess club, Mr. Muhles.

I have known Mr. Muhles since I started middle school but his connection to my family goes back to my older brother being in the same chess club a bunch of years back when he was in middle school.

Mr. Muhles is a funny kind teacher. He is a 5”10 rounded man that looks more like a father than anything but he can bring down the hammer of discipline if he notices someone breaking the rules or bullying another kid. He is also killer at chess.

Being a Korean war veteran he always has mementos and stories from the war which he shares with his students always letting kids touch his relics from the war but his time in the war also gives him the booming discipline that helps keep students from goofing off and possibly hurting someone. The takeaway lesson from all this from my experience is to defend others no matter what because Mr. Muhles will always there to help you no matter who was making fun of you or if they are beating you up.

Mr. Muhles has helped me through tough times with bullies by sitting me down and talking to me and also helping by talking to the bullies and disciplining them. He has helped me come out of my shell and become more social with kids that I never thought that I would ever socialize with in my life, I feel very thankful for this help and experience.

Overall Mr. Muhles is an illustrious teacher that everyone loves and I am exceptionally glad that I had him in middle school. Thank you, Mr. Muhles

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