Thank You, Veterans | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veterans

January 4, 2019
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I want to thank you for your sacrifices that you have made to me, my family, our country, and every citizen of the United States. My name is Justin. I am 18 years old and I attend high school. We both made a decision when we were 18 years old. I am going to technical school to become a paramedic. You bravely made the decision to go to war and protect our country. Words cannot describe of how thankful I am for your service to us.

When you came back home from fighting for your country you did not receive the best welcome home. Today I hope that you received the welcome home that you and your fellow veterans truly deserve. I am sure that you did not expect these letters to you and I hope that this is a pleasant surprise.

 In my family only one of my family members served in the military. My great grandfather served in the Army during World War II. He was captured by Japanese troops and was taken as a prisoner of war. He ended up escaping the camp and returning home safely. Unfortunately he passed away right before I was born. I wish I could thank him for all of the things that he went through. This inspired me to write this letter to you to thank you for giving up the normal civilian life to go fight for what you believe in.

Writing this letter was a great experience. I really do hope that you had a wonderful day seeing the memorials and experiencing Washington D.C. I have never gotten a chance to go see the memorials for myself but one day I hope to see them. I genuinely appreciate your sacrifices for our country. I hope you write me back one day.

Thank you,


The author's comments:

A letter written to a vietnam veteran on an honor flight. 

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