Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

The United States of America and the citizens of have one of the greatest opportunities ever to live the best lifestyle possible. Education and job opportunities are never ending, there is always something new out there to try. It’s only like that now because of the sacrifices and determination all of the amazing Veterans made for us.

My name is DJ and I am a high school junior. I have just over a year and a half until I am out of high school and off to my future careers and adventures. At that point, I can’t even imagine leaving my home, family, and friends to go fight in a war. The amount of sacrifice, bravery, determination, and commitment needed to do that is absolutely mind boggling and I can’t put to words how much everyone appreciates all of our veterans. Veterans are truly cared about and admired by so many people with loads of respect from them.

Our veterans are true patriots. They have taken their love for our country, and put their lives on the line for us. You guys left your home at 18 years of age in the draft and went out and fought for us. I am thankful that I have such great leaders to look up to and such good role models. I look up to our veterans for inspiration and a sense of gratitude, and a never ending feeling of respect for the amount of sacrifices you made for me, and everyone else in the United States of America. Thank you. Thank you for the never ending sacrifices and bravery it took to fight for our country. Thank you for the determination and the strength to have a positive mindset that you still have today. Your actions don’t go unseen.

Welcome Home

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