My Hero, Rahkil | Teen Ink

My Hero, Rahkil

October 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Almost everybody has somebody they look up to or admire. Whether it is a parent or friend, a hero is someone that puts your needs before theirs. I have always been asked why this person is my hero, and i always answered with the same response, I admired her and was thankful for everything she did. My great grandmother, Rhakil is my hero.
My great grandmother, lived during World WarI and II. She experienced everything and always told me to be thankful for everything I have. she had a huge impact on my life. I will always remember what she did because nobody can take her place.

My great grandmother, was always there for me. I knew that I can always come to her for advice, and eventhough she only spoke russian that was just another advantage. Whenever i had a chance, I would always be with her. I remember her braiding my hair, and telling me stories of her past. Rahkil waould teach me right from wrong, and tell me to always stay true to myself.
"The only person that can change you is you," she would always tell.

Rahkil Benditkis passed away January 13, 2008. She will always be remembered, and has a huge place in my heart. Nobody can change the way i think of her, and the way i love her. May she rest in peace, and let god smile upon her, for all eternity.

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