Interview with my Mom | Teen Ink

Interview with my Mom

May 31, 2022
By siddhants1234 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
siddhants1234 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After I graduated college, I was looking for an opportunity outside my country. I wanted to try something new and I was fortunate enough to get that opportunity. So when I got the job, yes, there were mixed emotions. Excitement as to what that new country would entail for me, what would I do, where would I live, and how would the experience be, but also a bit of sadness because of leaving my parents to who I was so attached and leaving behind my friends and family, so the excitement was there, but also a bit of sadness. When I arrived in the new country, I was filled with excitement because I had traveled outside my country for the first time. I also felt a bit homesick, because I knew a lot of people back home, and I did not know anybody where I was. I also felt a lot of pressure from working at a new job with people who sounded different from me. Eventually, I settled down in America with some of my new friends, my husband, and my two kids, but I never forgot my old home in India, where my heart will always be. 

The author's comments:

In this article, I interviewed my mom and I did the interview for my English class. 

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