An Interview With Chrissy on Meeting Libba Bray | Teen Ink

An Interview With Chrissy on Meeting Libba Bray

January 12, 2010
By Melanie Wilson SILVER, Setauket, New York
Melanie Wilson SILVER, Setauket, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Please tell me about the time when you met Libba Bray, author of the Gemma Doyle Series, and Going Bovine.

1. How did you find out about Tiger Beat, the event that you went to during the NYC Teen Author Festival?
I found out about Tiger Beat while reading Libba Bray's blog. She mentioned that she and a few other YA authors had started a band and that she was playing with them in the city.

2. When and where was this event?
This event was held in a Books of Wonder book store on West 18th St on March 19th.

3. What was the event like? Why was it called "Tiger Beat" and was it just a regular book signing?
IT WAS PURE AWESOME. It was called Tiger Beat because that's the name of the band, and it was not just a regular book signing because she performed (with Daniel Ehrenhaft, Barney Miller, and Natalie Standiford) and then I got to meet Libba and the other authors and actually talk with them, as well as get my book signed.

4. Who did you go with?
One of my friends who also loves the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, and my mom came with us.

5. What was it like to meet Libba Bray?
It was so much fun. Meeting an idol of yours is not something that happens every day, and to find out that she was the same comical, sweet person that she portrays in her blog was just really nice.

6. Why were you excited to meet Libba Bray?
I was excited to meet Libba Bray because just from her books and her blog she became one of my favorite authors, topped only by John Green.

7. Would you like to meet her again?
I would indeed! She's just the coolest person ever!


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