Viridity | Teen Ink


June 7, 2023
By 4hendrickse BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
4hendrickse BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Green is nature. Green is full of life. Green is a deep breath of cool evening air. A color that contains the most personality is often overlooked. From neon, to sage, to grass: green has it all. In any mood or situation, there is a shade of green to accommodate. Nobody is turning their heads to look at green, but she doesn’t mind. The color blends in and goes unnoticed until she is really appreciated. Subtle, yet beautiful. Green is a color that quietly lights up the room while all of the other colors try to be the center of attention. Green is never at the forefront of the mind. People do not appreciate green until she is gone. When they drive her away, she is suddenly wanted. 

Green is all I have ever wanted. Green is what makes me whole. Green is passion. My life; encapsulated in a shade of color. I resonate most with forest green, a darker shade of the color. It brings me a sense of peace. Green brings me back to earth when I start to drift up into the sky. Reminding me of the things most important in life. Who knew something seemingly obsolete like a color could be so complex, evoking emotions I never knew were there in the first place. The color reminds me of my grandmother. My favorite person. She was always there when I needed her most. The color reminds me of simpler times. The idea of stress had never entered my head, living in blissful ignorance. The color reminds me of my future, what I will do with my life. I have never been more confused than ever but green holds me, telling me I will be okay. 

Green is the color nobody prefers. As a child, it was the last color I would pick in my box of crayons. Getting older has taught me that green was there for me all along. Viridity is what keeps me going. Returning to what I came from. I watch in horror as my green is taken away and replaced with plastic colors. Other colors have no meaning to me like green does. I see no use in taking green away if lifelessness is going to be put into its place. A dystopian life we live, where people believe synthetic grays and whites look better than green. That is what happens when I care so much about something so small. I cannot care at all anymore. All I can do is keep my own green, as nobody else seems to want it. 

The author's comments:

This piece originally started as the first paragraph, but I expanded on it. It shows my innermost thoughts and feelings, portrayed by my favorite color: green. 

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