My Food | Teen Ink

My Food

December 16, 2013
By riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Skiing, frolfing and wakeboarding, my friends find me friendly. Slouched on the coach, or engrossed in school, I chitchat. I talk. But when I plunge in and devour that sweet and salty goodness, you’re my worst nightmare. You’re a foe and a cheater—Bane to my Batman and nothing conjured up will get my attention.

One bite, two bites, three bites four.
“Riley! Riley? Riley…” they repeated.

Shut up! Go away! Please just, no more!
Food is my God. It controls and moves me. All I want is food. Whether it’s in my mouth, down my throat or bubbling in my stomach acid, it’s happiness. Without it, I’m a lost four-year old at Disney World and it gets worst from there.

Imagining life with no food pains me. To think that there are starving kids sends eeriness through my bones. That they’re just waiting for a meal that’s been running through their mind for what? One? Two days now? I want to help them, but how, I’m just a kid.
In the end, food mocks the less fortunate and to others is something we throughout.

For me. I thank it for today, tomorrow and every other day I have it.

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