A Powerful Thing | Teen Ink

A Powerful Thing

May 29, 2016
By MoneyMonkey BRONZE, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
MoneyMonkey BRONZE, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

— Mahatma Gandhi

We are all living the same way, the same way.
We are escaping the same way, the same way.

I check my iPod, even though I know what it is. Round and Round, Imagine Dragons. I contemplate, for a split-second, to hit the skip button, but then the other part of my brain says, Why? I can’t answer my own question, so I turn off the screen, close my eyes, and sink into the music.

We are a part of the same play, the same play.
We think we're making our own way, our own way.

I was just thinking about this. We, as a species, are all going to die, but we try too hard to make our legacy count. Celebrities, kings, presidents, even common folk try to make their name remembered. If no one will be around to remember us in the distant future, what is the purpose of a legacy? More importantly, what is the purpose of life? Is there one?

You don’t have to hold your head up high.

Exactly. But we still do.

Round and round,
I won’t run away this time,
‘Till you show me what this life is for.
Round and round,
I’m not gonna let you change my mind,
‘Till you show me what this life is for.

The world will keep spinning when we’re gone. The universe will keep on destroying and creating stars, planets, and moons. What importance do we have?
The song, along with my thoughts, keep going on like this. Near the end though, a change in the lyrics surprises me.

All the emptiness inside you
Is hard enough to fill.
Without a sense of purpose,
We're setting up to fail.
You don’t have to make it right,
Just hold your head up high.

I’d never thought of it that way.
Maybe we should try our hardest, not just be lazy because we think we’re all going to go extinct. This reminded me of the movie Tomorrowland, because there was this girl who saved our future because she was optimistic enough. And, as the last lines say, we don’t have to save ourselves right now. We can just help out the future of our race so our legacy will live on. People may not remember us, but history will.
The song ends, and a new song comes on, sparking a new intrapersonal conversation.
Music is a powerful thing.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a song, Round and Round by Imagine Dragons, as mentioned in the piece. I hope, if anything, that other people take away that they shouldn't be lazy because they feel down or hopeless. If you work towards a goal, you'll reach it.

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