The Incredible Hulk Coaster | Teen Ink

The Incredible Hulk Coaster

October 9, 2018
By 20mcateec BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
20mcateec BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For as long as I can remember, my family has gone to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida.  My dad and I always go on every single ride that they have, which is quite a few. The rides vary from spinning rides to insane roller coasters and anywhere in between.  Just like the majority of the people in the world, I absolutely loved any ride and I usually never got too scared on them. But one roller coaster, called the Incredible Hulk, scarred me for life.

This particular roller coaster shoots off from 0-40 in two seconds and eventually goes as fast as sixty seven miles per hour. Right after it shoots off, it goes into a zero gravity roll, then continues through seven other rolls and loops. Most people argue that the hulk is the most intense roller coaster in Orlando.  I can definitely agree on that. Just thinking about this ride is making my heart rate pick up.

For years I have been able to get on this ride and enjoy every moment, and two years ago, I started out the same way.  Waiting in line with my parents, my was heart was pounding and I was terrified yet so excited to be able to ride it again.  When we got on, I pulled the shoulder restraint down over me and buckled it in. We lurched forward into the tunnel and gradually began to ascend up a steep hill toward the drop.  We had just got maybe a quarter of the way through the tunnel when we heard the familiar voice of Bruce Banner talking.

“Everything looks good. I think this time it’s going to work!”

Then a robotic voice warns him that the coolant levels are dropping and you hear Bruce begin to scream no.  His voice gradually turns into a deeper voice that belongs to the Hulk and you shoot off. Just like anybody else would, I screamed and laughed as we hit the first zero gravity roll.  As we dropped farther, I started to see a black ring, then it got bigger and bigger until I realized I was passing out. I tried to tell my dad, who was right next to me, that I was passing out, and he assumed I was joking and just laughed.

Although I don’t think I fully lost consciousness, the entire ride was black to me.  My parents finally realized I was serious and helped me off the ride because I could barely stand.  When we saw the picture, I couldn’t help but laugh. I usually am smiling ear to ear in every ride picture, but this time I looked absolutely miserable and had tears on my face.  After that ride, I have been a little nervous to ride roller coasters in case it happens again.

Even though I was scarred from that experience, the next year we went back, and my dad convinced me to ride it again.  He said it was probably just a fluke and that if we just sat towards the middle, the g-force wouldn’t be as bad. When we were next in line, the worker pointed us to the back row, which is the fastest and roughest part, so saying I had a panic attack is an understatement.  As I sat down I couldn’t feel my legs, but I knew I needed to go through with it, so I pulled my restraint down and tried to calm myself. The coaster moved into the tunnel, and since we were in the back we shot off immediately.

I kept my mouth shut to keep from screaming and we hit the first drop.  I thought I had made it, but there was that familiar black ring and then everything blacked out.  I told my dad and this time he believed me. Once we got back to the exit, I could see again and was able to laugh at the outcome.  Even though I don’t ride roller coasters too much anymore, I will always ride that one. This year I’m prepared to make it through and see everything in color, even a doctor tried to give me tips on how to make sure I get enough blood flow so I don’t black out.

Even though the feeling of blacking out isn’t very enjoyable, Universal Studios is where I am happiest. This story is just one of so many that I could tell.  As I wrote this I couldn’t help but get a bit homesick. Universal is the place that holds the most amazing family memories for me. I can’t wait to go back and ride The Incredible Hulk again, maybe.

The author's comments:

I am a junior and I wrote this piece for an english project.

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