Hairs | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By 0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother hair jet black, sleek and shiny. Her hair falls softly down her face as she repeatedly pulls it back behind her left ear. My brothers hair a dark brown that glows in the sunlight, looking like a caramel snack in the summertime. His thick but soft hair gets volume from Maracin Oil, my brother and I’s favorite hair product. My hair dark like chocolate in the winter but gets a soft fluffy look when the sun comes out and temperature rises. My hair flows to the right with the fluff and thickness fighting with each other making my head look like a dark cloud.

My father hair is gone, nothing there. His bald scalp is vulnerable to sun, beads of sweat perfectly stick to the top of his head as he runs on the treadmill in Anytime Fitness. But covring his funny looking buttchin from the naked eye is a Coarse dark brown beard with hints of grey about to take over the majority of his face making him look like a old man.

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