One Long Week in Colorado | Teen Ink

One Long Week in Colorado

November 20, 2018
By colepeppa BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
colepeppa BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On one cold southwestern Colorado night my father and I were sitting by the campfire to keep out warmth when all of the sudden we heard a rigorous growl coming from the deep woods. Every year near the end of summer me and my dad go on an annual trip to either the Upper peninsula of Michigan or Colorado, we go fly fishing and ride single track on our dirtbikes. But on this particular trip we had a visitor that would come to our camp every night and come some mornings. The first night is when we heard the growl and it gave us chills to the bone, at that instant my dad told me to go get the gun for protection. Everytime we heard this growl it would either be so close it felt like it was right there sitting next to you or it sounded like it was really far away. Every night it would come so close to our tent that it felt like you can just reach out and touch it, I got so irritated with it that I had to put ear plugs in. By the middle of the week we were so used to it we didn’t care about it anymore

When we went into town we asked about what the bear activity looked like in the area and one local told us their are some grizzlies and black bears in the area that some people will see once in awhile. They see you, but you don’t see them. At the end of the week were were entering the stream that was fairly close to our camp and as we walked up my dad noticed a paw print that was the size of my head right on the bed, it looked somewhat fresh. When we got home from our still very much enjoyed trip, we still didn't figure out what the sound was because it traveled, like I said. About two weeks later we had an Alaskan TV show on and they were talking about how bears are a problem in the area and they displayed the sound a grizzly bear makes, and right as it sounded me and my dad looked at each other in shock because it matched the sound we were hearing all week. Not to mention the nearest camper was over an mile away, they would’ve heard our screams if we were attacked by this beast.

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