What Basketball Brings | Teen Ink

What Basketball Brings

April 30, 2019
By Anonymous

What is viewed as something you are a part of but actually is a world of its own? Well, that is basketball, basketball is not just something you try-out to be on the team for, nor is it just a sport that you play with fellow students. It is actually much more than that, when I say it is not just something you try-out for to be on the team, I mean that if you are fortunate enough to be on the team then you are officially a part of something that is bigger than yourself. Bigger than each individual on the team, including the coach. This is so, because it is not just a team, but rather a brotherhood. These are the guys that you spend everyday for 3-4 hours in a gym just working your tail off. Every individual is going through the exact same thing that the other individual is. It is not just your struggle, but each and every guy around you. The team is on this tough journey just as you. As long as you push them to keep going, they will do the same. All of the blood, sweat, and hard work that is put into the team, is what creates the brother bond. That is why our chemistry on the court is so efficient, because we are all best friends. When one of our players is fouled, before they shoot the free throws, we huddle up on the foul line to motivate each-other for the rest of the quarter.  As the player shoots, the entire bench lifts their left leg up, as a “team move”. No other teams did these things as we did. We struggle together, as we prosper together; if one of us falls we all run to pick him up. We work together during practice the whole week to prepare for the game that is ahead of us. But, when game day comes and we end up losing, it just frustrates everyone and brings down the team energy because it seems that all the work has been for nothing. But that is when we come together and push forward. In basketball, the traits we learn and come to understand go a very long way. The discipline, respect and loyalty are the three of the most important traits that are carved into each one of the players. The bonds at the end of the season are some of the strongest that I have ever seen. Before every home game that we have, there would be a team dinner held at one of the teammates houses. The entire team would come hangout for a few hours and eat a good dinner the night before the game. The time spent together is like no other, it truly is a team full of brothers. The things you learn in basketball, are the things you can take with you for the rest of your life. Just like the traits that you make shift into your personality, as well as the most important thing. Which is your teammates. That is something that you really take this into the world. Basketball seems so small compared to the world, but when you are a part of it, you are truly a part of something bigger than yourself, and that is truly spectacular. It truly does provide you with some of the genuine people in this world, friendships that last forever.  

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