Parents Can Hurt | Teen Ink

Parents Can Hurt

September 17, 2019
By Anonymous

November 2018. My grandma came to visit at my dad's house. We were sitting in my kitchen and I was arguing with my dad, like normal. He told me to make a list of all the things I had a problem with, like how I don’t like how he always brings my mom into the fight and always blaming everything on everyone else. While we were arguing my grandma was standing at the edge of the counter, next to my younger sister. I could tell she was feeling some sort of emotion, but I couldn’t make out what that was that she was feeling. Suddenly everyone stops and I heard her say the words, “At least he didn’t run off with other people like your mom did.” I stopped. I could feel my heart beating faster. My eyes filled with water and my mind filled with curiosity. I look straight up to my dad and ask, “Did mom cheat on you?” No comment. After repeating myself he said “You need to ask your mom.” I then realized that my 13 year-old sister was sitting right next to me. I look over to her and saw the same emotions that I had expressed. I got very very angry and looked to my grandma and said “She is 13. Look at how bad you just hurt her.” I told my sister to go to my room, she listened surprisingly and walked away. I looked at my grandma disgustingly. I was completely in shock and I felt like I had been hurt and lied to by everyone family member I had. I later found out that my older brother had known. I walked away into my room, where I found my sister sitting on my bed crying. I walked over to her and gave her a hug and told her that I was sorry that our grandma had said that, and that I wish she hadn’t or at least hadn’t said it infront of her. I asked my sister if she wanted to go to my moms. She told me she wanted to so I called her. Even though we had just found out that my mom could have cheated on my dad, it still didn’t change the fact that in that moment we did not want to be anywhere near our grandma.


I called my mom and she said that she would come get us soon. During the wait, I called my best friend to tell her what happened. Through choking on my tears, she understood and told me she was going to come over for a little bit. Before she got there my dad pulled me aside in his room to talk to me. He wanted to make sure I understood that my grandma was just angry and protecting her son, and I am angry because she said that in front of my sister. He understood and told me he gets it if my sister and I need time to process the unasked for information. My best friend got there and talked to me privately also. She said pretty much what my dad told me. She said my grandma was just being defensive, even though it was not her place to give out that information. My mom finally arrived to my dads to get me and my sister. My grandma went out the door before we got to, so she could talk to my mom about what happened. After about 30 minutes, she came inside and my sister, my best friend, and I all went to my moms car. My mom didn’t really seem to have much emotion, we just kind of drove home. When we got home she told us to wait before getting out of the car so she could talk to us. We sat and talked for a very long time. I didn’t really have much to say to her I just looked straight and tried not to let the tears fall. I got out of the car and went straight to my room where my friend had been waiting for me. I cried to her and then I got up and went to eat in front of my family like nothing had happened. Parents can have a bigger effect on their children than they think. We will grow up learning and finding out all their mistakes and now I have to live the rest of my life making sure I don't make the same ones. I would not want to put my future children through that mess. 

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