My Right. My Will. | Teen Ink

My Right. My Will.

October 23, 2019
By 1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hesitation in my step, I walk towards a life-changing moment. A moment where a decision lies in my hand. Will I make a difference? Am I making the right choice? Will I be contributing to my nation? As I watch the red, white, and blue dance with the wind.  It tells me it’s my duty. To bring America to a better future. To make an impact on America.

My right. My will. Many fought for me to be able to have this chance. To morph the world into my choosing. What if it isn’t the right call? What if others disagree with me? Am I advocating for the right thing? I take a breath. I am fortunate to have this opportunity. To be able to help those who can’t vote. To stop violence and express love. 

Making a difference for the future. I am part of the generation who is supposed to make America a better place. Where children can go to school without worrying if it is their last time. Being able to express who they are without hatred. Will my vote help change that? Will there be enough to change? Will this allow acceptance in my country? To bring a new revolutionized world. To accept diversity.

My country. I share my thoughts and expressions willingly without getting my rights taken. To share my voice with others to let them know it is time to make the place many live something better. What if no one listens? What if no one cares? What if no one fights for a difference? To encourage others to vote for a matter they believe in. To be able to know that they helped their country become better.

My vote. My vote allows me to advocate for what I believe in. For others to be free. My vote gives me the chance of a brighter future. I voice my opinion to make a change. I walk to the booth and as I take those steps forward, I know I am ready to serve my country.

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