How I Became a Military Man | Teen Ink

How I Became a Military Man

January 23, 2020
By ElfinS BRONZE, Tirana, Other
ElfinS BRONZE, Tirana, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Many children have life goals and I was one of them.  Because the Armed Forces are very respectful in my country, and I was admiring officers. I wanted to become a soldier and I worked my whole life to be a successful officer. My dad was in the military too. With my mother's support, I took the military high school intellectual, physical and medical tests in the summer of 1984. 

 I was thinking if I should go to the military or not and if I really wanted this. My mother wanted me to become an officer. I decided to study in military high school upon my mother’s proposal. I applied for the school, I started to work for it. In the summer of 1984, I took the multiple-choice and medical exam. After that, I had to take a physical test and finally the intellectual exam. After each exam, I waited for results and if it was positive I could move to the next steps. It was pretty stressful and It happened to me about 4 times. After some time the intellectual exam’s results explained. I had been accepted to the military school. The new experiences awaited me.

“Everybody wake up!” said the commander.

Everybody woke up immediately and went to the bathroom. There was a long line. I did not know anybody. We were many students that’s why there were lines for everything, also the lessons were hard and busy. I was feeling alone and here were always competitions between grades. In the school we had sports after school lessons. Only weekends you could go out of the school. Sometimes when I got stuck about lessons or when I did not get a good grade I was staying in the school on weekends and I was joining courses in summer vacation. My mom was so unhappy because of that. I was always trying to say to my mom that I was okay. It sounds weird but I felt better when I studied more because of the question in my mind: 

“Why can’t I do it while the other students can?” kept me going forward. After some time she wanted me to quit school. 

“Your health is not ok, you are not eating anything. You are going to be sick” said mom worriedly. 

“Mom you don’t understand I am ok, I am just studying. There is no reason for you to be sad,” I said.

“This school is too hard,“ added mom. 

“Mom I will not give up.  If I leave this school, I will be giving up my goal and I will avoid the difficulties. I do not want this. I want to force myself to achieve my goals and reach a good position in the future. If  I escape from difficulties I can’t be anything,” I added.

“You are correct. If you don’t want to quit don't but, please take care of yourself,” said mom in a convincing way. 

The school was solid but it was a military school. I chose this school by taking this risk. I did not quit school. My mom was so regretful that she sent me to this school. I forced myself and I knew I could do it. Now I am a colonel and she's proud of me. Even now when we talk about the military school she says how regretful she is. I am not and If I am regretful nothing will change because I am at the age of retirement. I am happy with my decision. 

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