Why I hate my brother sometimes | Teen Ink

Why I hate my brother sometimes

June 7, 2021
By Anonymous

Well, there are a lot of things I could say about my brother and a lot of them are things I don’t like about him, so I'll tell you those. 

My brother gets on my nerves very easily. He thinks he runs our house. He goes around back talking to everyone not listening to anyone and it makes me mad. Whenever I try to make him do something or say something to him he just starts saying random stuff acting like he can't hear me. When we play games that require skill I always win and I love to see his reaction because he gets so mad when I chirp him about the loss. Then we play games with no skill and he sometimes wins and tries to chirp me, but I just laugh at him and he gets furious with me and tries to fight me and losses. He really tries to get on my nerves but it doesn’t work. 

I get on his nerves a lot easier but usually his reaction to this makes me very annoyed. Like, he’ll talk back at me and my parents like he has no problem with it. So I start yelling at him and try to straighten him out, but it never works. Then he goes on if I yell at him too much to cry and fight again. He doesn’t get yet that I win every time. 

Being a third-grader is nice and annoying at the same time. Drew IS at the worst ages right now and I am happy I only have to deal with it for one more year because I leave for college next year. 

But back to the sometimes part… the times when he is nice and respectful and plays like a normal kid is great. We have a lot of fun. I give him crap and he gives it right back which I think is awesome. We have shared some great memories with each other throughout his 9 years of life. It all started in the hospital when he was born early. I was there every day after school. I would go right from school to go spend time with my parents in the hospital and just sit in the NICU and talk to the doctors and see how he was. My whole family really became close with the doctors that took care of him because we were there so often. I remember the videos my dad has of me playing with Drew him holding my finger and him playing catch with me with my dad's ring. All of the moments spent in the hospital are so vivid for me it’s like I can relive every second of it. 

 Ever since he was able to talk, that's when I started to hate him sometimes. Good memories have been coming along not just when he is fun to be around but when he gets in his bad moods and has temper tantrums. This kid does not have a normal side. It's either laughing or pissed off and punching people. I usually get the side of him when he’s pissed and punching people. The thing is I get mad back and can't hit him that hard because he’s so young and I would actually really hurt him so when I do hit him my dad freaks out.  This for any of you who don’t have a younger brother is what it’s like living with one that tries to show you up every chance he gets.

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old junior and I am the captain of my hockey team.

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jun. 16 2021 at 10:55 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
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