Backward Foot | Teen Ink

Backward Foot

October 21, 2021
By Anonymous

The long amble towards the frosted van always made me anxious. Crossing the street was the thing that made me feel highly strung; ready to pounce on the cars if I needed to. “Beep!” the jeep would blare in my ears. Suddenly a rusty old bike rushes down the street. Before I could react, I hear a loud “vroom!” as the motorcycle almost runs me over. As the gust of wind passes through my body, a pit develops in my stomach. Hairs standing only on my right arm. I stumbled backward; I couldn’t process my thoughts properly. It’s like I can still feel it. Everything felt as if it were in slow motion. Beautiful brown leaves falling from the trees, and more pushed up by the breeze, slowly wallowing in the air. And a soft chirp from a distant hummingbird; the sun glowing in my eyes like a heavenly campfire at night. I opened my eyes widely and stood still for a good thirty seconds or so. What just happened?

The author's comments:

For this set piece, I wanted to write about was the feeling of being in shock. The literary device I was playing with was the mood. Near the end of this set piece, I described the character’s emotions and actions during their state of shock. What I like about this piece is that I described what the character was feeling, along with their surroundings.

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