My Power Story | Teen Ink

My Power Story

August 18, 2022
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My name is Iva Ramos and I come from Bayamon, Puerto Rico. 

Where the government is double-dealing. The people are passionate

About their country and their own people. 

The smell of the coastline every morning and every night.

The proud earthlings of Puerto Rico will defend it with their lives

Even from their own government. 

What will it be? Fight or Flight.

My parents were silenced by choice, I was silenced by force  

Until it was enough, my voice is all I got to make myself heard.

For my parents, raising me was a chore yet made the choice to do so.

Love is like a weapon to them. We, the children, are their puppets.

The picture painted and glued to the wall stuck like gum to a shoe.

The picture of a perfect family is a reflection of 

Their imagination. What is life without love? But also what is

life without pain? Weird, isn’t it.

Accomplishments are goals that were met and 

Mine was owning my mistakes,

Being confident in myself and having the courage 

To leave what was once called

My home yet it made me feel alone. Home was a storm that never ended yet 

Everyone saw a calm spring day. The storm I run from was insane 

Every day but not when people were at the house. Then the house would be full

of peace and love. 

I was an ankle biter when I was abandoned like an old building. Am I worth

the money or the energy? 

No, I guess I’m not. 

Net shooter is my future, my friends are my future. 

Coaching is my dream but writing is my money maker.

My love for the sport and my friends guided me through hell and back

This story is too long to tell but too sad to not.

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