Essay Contest: To Be A Friend | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: To Be A Friend

October 3, 2022
By 3vierck GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3vierck GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 To be a friend. What is this? Is it taking them out to eat? Is it buying them nice things? Is it calling them and telling them about yourself? To me being a friend is answering the phone at 1 am because they’re crying, it’s dropping everything because you know they had a bad day and they need someone to talk to, it’s being there for each other when no one else is. To me this is the norm, or at least it should be. 

Just yesterday I was talking to my friend. He told me he wasn’t doing too good, which caught my attention. So like I thought anyone would do, I talked to him about it until his day was better. The fact that I could help him already made me happy, but what surprised me was when he said thank you. Not because he said thank you, it is why he said thank you. He had told me that he has never been able to talk about what he told me with anyone else because they had always not cared, listened, and just all together left him. 

He told me I was the nicest person he had ever met. At first this had made me happy because I had been a good friend to him and I always strive to be kind to people. Then I realized,

 Has he really had nobody show him the basic kindness of a friend?

 This is what made me sad and just disappointed in the people around him. Although it’s still a mix of emotions for him, I can feel happy that I am that friend for him, someone he can feel comfortable talking to, not feeling like a burden, but like he has a true friend. 

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest.

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