Essay Contest: Untitled | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Untitled

October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

I love to draw and I do it all the time. I started drawing when I was little and as I grew up I became better at drawing and could draw more things. 

I like to use my art as a way to make people happy and feel good. Doing this also makes me feel good and drawing for others gives me something to do when I'm bored.

I will sometimes ask people if they want me to draw something for them. I will also draw something for someone as a surprise for their birthday or a holiday. 

I like to draw so much because I'm able to create things that you can't just buy and when drawing for someone I can give someone exactly what they want. 

My favorite person to draw for would be my grandpa. He lives in Florida now so I don't get to see him as much as I used to so I enjoy drawing for him because it gives me a way to be closer with him even though he lives so far away.

The author's comments:

 This is a submission for the Teens Making a Difference essay contest.

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