The Cut Off | Teen Ink

The Cut Off

October 5, 2022
By tahtdoyboy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
tahtdoyboy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We change people through conversation, not through censorship"

My mistake should have not happened but that's why it's my favorite mistake. This started at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. Back then I was a shy person. I wouldn't talk to anyone in my classes and during groups or group work I wouldn't talk to the people in it, I would just do my work.

During covid, I didn´t text that much to my friends or anyone but if I did in my mind I thought did I mess up during a text or when I'm talking to someone but when my friends did text me I would respond 

¨yo did you hear about a new game coming out?¨ he asked

¨no what type of game is it¨ I responded with 

¨ it's a cod br¨ he said 

¨cool ill get it when it comes out then¨ I responded with 


In the middle of online school is when my shyness was holding me back from school friends and other loved ones most students didn´t talk during online school but I would still talk to some of my friends 


¨dude online school sucks¨ I said

             ÿeah its boarding¨he replied with 

But during this online school, my shyness made me cut off everyone I have talked to friends family, and others I have stopped going to my classes for weeks probably around 5-6 weeks of cutting off people friends and family, and not texting anyone until I talked to my mom and dad about my shyness 

        ¨you should just talk to your friend group more and talk in more group projects¨ said, my mom 

¨and you should talk more to your family in mexico¨ added my dad 

¨its easy¨ my mom said

¨thanks¨ I replied with 

I thought in my mind is it that easy? And can I even talk to my friends anymore?

¨hey long time no see¨ I texted to my friend

¨dude tf where were you??¨ he replied with

¨yeah sorry about that¨ I replied with 

¨you missed the lunch of warzone and didn´t text anyone for 5 weeks!¨said, my friend 

¨I know I did” I replied with 

After talking to my friend for some hours and talking to my family I realize that my shyness was getting in the way of my life and my family and friends and during my sophomore year I tried to make friends at my new school and during that year I quickly made improvements like talking to new people and making friends faster than I would if I had my shyness to my shyness by the end of the year I lost my shyness.

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