Caught Cutting Class | Teen Ink

Caught Cutting Class

October 5, 2022
By samuelmartinez419 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
samuelmartinez419 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“we accept the love we think we deserve”

On a very stressful school morning my sophomore friends; simon, Axel, Richard and I were together near the school bathroom. Simon  asks us, “ Do you guys really want to go to class, I mean it's still early we can just walk off if we wanted to.’’ We were all tired of school and extremely avoidant. I cut class everyday. I have always been horrible at focusing and staying committed to school. I felt so lost, cutting class was the only thing that stopped me from nearly breaking down in class.” I really can't go to class guys i'm with Simon on this.’’ I tell my friends. Richard and Axel Were good students I knew they were, but somehow they agreed as well,’’ okay sure.’’ They said at the same time smiling at eachother.I knew they were dying to spend time together.We decided to leave from the side gate since it is always open.’’Hurry’’ I said hoping to not get spotted.

We then crossed the street one after the other laughing under our breath. Simon and I thought we were so genius. We had grown closer because of our mutual love for skipping. We reached the other end of the street.We walked with our eyes glued to our surroundings. “Who’s that over there’’ Alexander questions in a worried tone. I look over to a big, tall custodian. We all glared at him waiting to be yelled at.”ALL OF YOU COME OVER HERE!’’ The custodian's words made me stand up straight and get all hot faced.”I'm so screwed,” I thought to myself, cursing under my breath. We were very far from him so we had time to discuss but nothing much was said except for nervous rambling and “oh my god, oh my god”. The next moments were a blur. I recall the man telling me how often he sees me leave school. It was embarrassing.’’I  really hope my dad doesnt find out’’ I whisper to Simon “if my mom finds out I'm so dead’’ he replied.

Axel and Richard discussed amongst themselves. They were good for eachother. They knew they messed up and would help each other stay in school.

We were taken to a small room by the principal. I could tell he dealt with this kind of behavior frequently. The kids around me weren't so studious themselves. He had us sit facing each other. It was such an unconventional punishment but it really made me feel ashamed. I had brought my friends into this situation and encouraged their self destruction. It might not seem like a big deal but I love my friends so much and knowing I had steered them in the wrong direction was a sword to my heart. He looked up our grades, the first was axel.” Axel you have good grades and awesome attendance, why did you decide to skip?’’ Axel shrugs his shoulders. “Alright kid just get back to class.’’ the principal says pointing at the door. Next up was richard. Richard was an okay student. He tried for Axel. Richard's biggest fear was not getting into the same college as Axel. Axel is very determined and independent. RIchard knew Axel would move forward with or without him. Richard was told “ your grades are average and you have good attendance, stay out of trouble.’’RIchard then leaves the room. It's just me and Simon, The ring leaders. I never thought about why Simon skips so much. When I met him we would just hangout at lunch but eventually we hangout outside of school during class periods. I never questioned his lack of motivation. The principal sees Simon has horrible attendance and failing grades.’’Simon why do you not show up to class?’’ the principal asks defeatedly. “I can't do it, every few minutes before all my class period I feel like throwing up. I have so much anxiety.’’ Simon confesses. The principal has him speak to a school therapist in a separate room.

It was only me and the principal. He looks up my grades in the system.’’ You’re failing almost every class and have mediocre attendance. How Come you don't show up to class?’’ I couldn't come up with an answer. Eventually I told him how little motivation I had anymore. I was just tired. I was excused but this situation stuck in my mind. I won't repeat the same mistake.

From this situation I learned I need to have goals. I need to care for my future and stay motivated. Now I have a plan for the future and understand how big of a role school plays in that. I also learned how important it is for friends to push each other forward and not bring each other back. SInce then I have realized how important it is to have self control and self importance.


The author's comments:

My favorite mistake. This story is one of many events that have made me grow as a person. Everybody has an instance where they have messed up and been forced to better themselves because of it, here's mine.

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