Wrong Shoe Size | Teen Ink

Wrong Shoe Size

October 7, 2022
By Anonymous

As for someone who’s slow you make mistakes more than someone who’s not as slow and I mean slow as i’m not understanding something or doing something wrong and later finding out that you made a mistake . Well sucks to say but that same thing happened to me.

I had ordered some shoes online i thought i had picked the right size my gut feeling was telling me i did so i went with my gut feeling because they say always trust your gut feeling so i didn’t go back and check but then after i received a confirmation email i clicked on it and i seen i chose the wrong size . After i saw that i thought to myself “ what did i just do”.

Instead of proceeding to cancel the order i just left it how it was because i’m like it’s only a half size smaller so i’ll probably be fine but even then i was still worried if they weren’t going to fit and they were almost $300 and that’s a lot of money for just shoes and i didn’t want to have to return them and get new ones because to me that’s just to much i rather not do that .

When I received my shoes in the mail I was scared to even open them because I didn't really know what to expect but I proceeded to open them and tried them on and luckily they fitted and I was so happy and relieved . Mind you I love shoes so if they didn’t fit me I would have been really mad and stuff and sense i don't like returning stuff especially online. I would have just wasted my money if they didn't fit .

The lesson that was learned from this was to double check your size before you click place order because even when you think you did something right it might not be right , it might just be your gut feeling telling you false information. I’m not going to sit here and say your gut feeling is never right but in this particular case my gut feeling was wrong but I think it was mostly my head telling me something wrong and I believed it .

The author's comments:

This experience was a lesson learned for any other time coming .

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