Do a flip | Teen Ink

Do a flip

October 11, 2022
By GG33 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
GG33 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe

I was playing around in go-kart. I never thought that one wrong move would cause me to flip my world around. It was a normal summer sunday. My sister was playing with my brother and god brother and my parents were talking to my godfather. I was sitting down bored out of my mind since by this time I didn’t have anything to entertain me so I just sat and waited for something. After 3 boring hours my cousin arrived. “What up?” He told me while extend his hand for a handshake. 

“Nothing much as usual,” I said, slamming my hand out to him. He brought a 125cc, green and white dirt bike, 125cc red and white dirt bike, and a red, white, and black two seat go-kart. Even though I was still learning how to use these dangerous things I still got on and had fun. 

I was going to get on the red and white dirt bike when all of a sudden “Let's have a race” with a determined smile on his face.

“Sure but I know what I’m going to use” I said excitedly while staring at the go-kart. 

“No way,” he said, turning on his green and black dirt bike. 

“Yes sir” I said will put the belt on myself in and turn it on. We both got to a ready position, me on the left and him on the right. When we are ready we look at each other and nod our heads saying we are ready. 

He counted “3 2 1 go” and we both started him getting the lead since I knew his bike was faster than the go kart but there was time where I cut him off. In the second to lap I was going faster and trying to drift. We made it to the final lap, and I was going as fast as I can but my cousin caught up but I have determination in my eyes and then a thing that I didn’t imagine happening, happened. In the second to last turn, I turned too hard. The only thing I can see is the wall spinning in circles going to my left.

When I finally stopped I was shocked and upside down trying to unbuckle the seat belt to fall down but my cousin came and tried to flip the go-kart and me just wanting to get out of the seat. By the end he flipped it to the side and it was easier to unbckle the seat belt. When I did it my cousin managed to flip it back to place. Nothing really bad happened to it nor me but the thought of not having my seat belt on … now that would be a different story then this one. 

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