Twins | Teen Ink


May 22, 2023
By Anonymous

An important person who has made a huge impact on my life is Savannah. Savannah is my twin sister and my life would be completely different without her.  Everyone always thinks it's amazing to have a twin and it is but it's also not. People always glamorize having a twin. They say it's a built in best friend which is true but nobody ever talks about the negative side to it. 

 People say things like “Oh my god, you guys are so lucky!” but they also say things like “Who's the smarter twin?” As twins we are constantly getting compared. In second grade she got admitted to horizons which is a class for advanced students. In 6th grade she was put into advanced math. So who did people call the dumb twin? Me. I finally got put into advanced math for 8th grade but it still wasn't enough because by then she was in a class that was two years ahead and mine was just one. 

In sports when I was young I was very lucky to have the opportunity to be in multiple and see which ones I liked. My parents signed us up for gymnastics, tennis, soccer, softball, T-ball, swim, and dance. We weren't doing them all at once but maybe two at a time for the first 11 years of my life. I played soccer from the ages 5-9. I quit when I was 9 because people decided savannah was better and I didnt want to hear it anymore. She still plays. We also played softball together when we were 10-11. I quit that too partly for the same reason. She quit 2 years later. I thought if I quit I would stop hearing how she was better at sports because I wasn't in any so they couldn't compare us. I was wrong. Apparently if you're not in a sport that means you're bad at all of them.

 One day when I was in 7th grade me, Savannah, and our friends at the time were at top golf for one of their birthdays. We were almost done playing and I was ahead of Savannah in points. It was hot outside and I was reaching for my sprite when my friend Allison decided to say “Savannah how does it feel to be losing to the unathletic twin?” Allison didn't play any sports either but since she wasn't a twin she wasnt getting compared to anyone. She was just Allison. 

I could write a million stories about who's the prettier twin? Who's the uglier twin? Who's the funnier twin? It never really ends. Even though we get compared I still love Savannah and she has made such a huge impact on my life. I wouldn't change being her twin and it's definitely not all bad. She's still my best friend and I couldn't live without her. 

As I've gotten older people comparing us has less of an effect on me. I have realized that there is always going to be someone out there comparing us and there is nothing I can do about it. I am growing into my own person even though sometimes it still hurts. 

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