Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

September 10, 2023
By Anonymous

           All my life my mother has made the decisions in my life for me and I am so sick and tired of it. My name is Lily and the older I get the more involved my mom wants to be in my life she wants to control everything. Today is my first day of senior year, and my mom is already pressuring me to start looking into colleges. Only if she knew I am not even planning on going to college. I want to be a tattoo artist ,because I love to draw in my free time. But of course my mom wouldn't know that my mom doesn't know much of what I want to do so this year I'm changing things up. This year everything is going to be different, things will change and get better and for that to happen I need to talk to my mom. I'm starting to have animosity for her and I don't want that so I'm going to confront her about what is bothering me. I'm going to tell her everything I'm tired of having to hold back on what I'm feeling. I am going to talk to her after school and I hope when I talk to her she can understand where I'm coming from ,because I don't want the conversation to end up with us in an argument. In the end she is still my mom and I love her no matter what . It’s getting closer towards the end of school and I'm getting more nervous by the minute I keep staring at the clock and I feel as if time is going by so fast. I’m in my last period, and there's only five minutes until the bell for dismissal. The bell rings and I walk out of school. I'm trying to walk slowly to try and build up the courage to talk to her and as I'm looking for my car I can feel my heart rate pick up. I'm trying to think about what I'm going to say when I get in the car.  I've never ever complained to my mother about anything so I'm scared to see how she will react. I just don't want to upset her or for us to end up in an argument. I hate arguing with my mom every time we are mad at each other it makes me feel blue and down. I hate for us to be mad at each other I spot her car in the middle of the line and start walking towards it trying to act confident . I get in and my mom says “How’s school?” I'm glad she's in a good mood because I didn't want to catch her in a bad mood  . I told her all about my day ,and I even went into detail about my day to try and avoid what I wanted to tell her. But I have to tell her it's now or never 

“Mom, I have to talk to you about something” she looks at me with a face saying continue. 

The fact that she's not saying anything is making me even more nervous but I'm just going to suck it up and tell her everything I want to say. 

“I just feel as if I have no decisions in what goes on in my life” I glanced at her and she didn't say anything so I just kept going 

“I have so much I want to do and you don’t even know because you're too busy doing what you want to do.”

 It feels like weight has been lifted off my shoulders after telling her that. The ride goes quiet and it seems interminable .I really hope she can understand where I'm coming from and not think I'm trying to be rude and not want her involved in my life. I don't know why I'm so nervous but I guess it's because I've never been the type of person to talk about the way I feel but in order for things to change this year I have to speak up and say what is bothering me.  She then suddenly starts talking.

 “I get what you’re saying and I’m sorry I've made you feel like this. I guess I just want what's best for you and I never actually knew you felt this way but thank you for telling me and not trying to act out because of it but I’m sorry.” 

 I was shocked her answer was something I did not expect. This conversation went totally opposite of what I thought it was going to go like I was in disbelief that she actually understood me and wasn't mad at me. This whole time I've been freaking out about her reaction and what she is going to say when she totally gave me a different reaction from what I was thinking she was going to give me. Maybe I don't know her either. 

“It’s okay mom I understand you just want what's best for me and thank you for understanding me.”

 After that conversation I feel like we both don't really know each other at all.

“We should go out to eat some time during the week just the both of us” I say she turns her head away from the road and looks at me with a smiling face 

“We should I think that is a great idea” she says.

On the way home as I’m looking out the window I have a feeling things will change.

The author's comments:

We were writing short stories in class and I wanted to write this story to show people they can talk about how their feeling.  

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