Can it be that important? | Teen Ink

Can it be that important?

September 27, 2023
By 5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
5mckay GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it worth it? 

No, it can’t be that important. 

Can it? 

It’s got all the memories. 

All of the exciting times, spent with friends and family, the sad times, the boring times.

It did not matter if it was family. 

But it can’t be that important. 


I mean it has all the time and effort spent on it. 

Oh, and I can't forget the money too.

But is it really worth it? 

It has all the countless hours of enjoyment spent on it.

The hours of Suicide Boys, Ghostmane, and City Morgue, listened while mindlessly playing with no one.

So it has to be worth it?


Yeah, but there are so many other things that are more important.

My phone contains pictures of me out at dinner with friends. 

Or the pictures of me and my mom or with family.

But that can't be as important?


What about the cold winter days sitting on the couch reading a favorite book?

Looking out the window at the beautiful brisk cold?

The shiny reflection of light forms the snow?

It was always there.

So it has to be important? 

At least I think so. 

I can’t live without it. 

The one thing that keeps me pushing through the tough times.

The one thing that I have built the most memories on.

The one thing my mom always told me was a waste of time and money. 

So it can’t be important.

Can it? 

Remember those days you got home from school, and jumped on to talk to your closest mates?

Or the hot summer days you would just sit in the cool air-conditioned house bored with nothing to do?

It was always there.

Whenever you needed it.

Whenever you were going through something.

Whenever you had something to do.

It was there. 

So it’s important?


What about those late nights you would stay up playing your favorite game?

Laughing with all of your friends enjoying the good times?

Staying up so late your mom would kick you off and tell you you're grounded?

So it’s important? 

But it's a piece of technology. 

You can always replace it.

Yeah I guess you're right.

But what about all the personal time and effort that went into it? 

That’s important.


If I had to lose everything.

I could never live without that computer… 

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