The dearest thing to me | Teen Ink

The dearest thing to me

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Dear Oliver,

I remember the days that I spent playing tug of war in the living room, or you dragging me around the house when I was little. I remember making a bed out of my legs for you to lay in. I remember the loud barking at anything that passed the front door even if it was in the road. I remember thinking it was the most annoying thing ever but now I miss those barks.

 I remember the day you left this world like it was yesterday, I remember mom telling me the news that today was my final goodbye, that I would have to say goodbye to someone who was there my entire life up to that point. I couldn’t handle myself. I couldn't stop crying, I held you in my arms before we left. I remember being dropped off at grandma's and grandpas house to swim, but I didn’t want to swim, I just wanted to see you, and knowing that would never happen again hurt me. I know that it will never be the same. I remember Parker not knowing what was going on and I just wanted to tell him but he was too young. I remember Mom and Dad coming back and hugging them for what seems like forever. I remember the day I lost my best friend, you. I didn’t know what to do, without you the house seemed empty after you left, the silence of no barking, no nails clicking on the floor, and no one calling your name.

 I wanted to to come back so many times and I knew that you couldn’t, I miss you everyday, even though we have a new dog, he isn’t quite the same sometimes I think it’s truly you because of how oddly similar you guys are, but I know that there is a chance it is you, Like the movie a dog's life you always find your owner and I hope it's you who came back. Oliver, the one thing I cannot live without is you, and the box sitting by Mom and Dad’s bed that says your name on it, everytime I see that box that holds your ashes I tear up and think of all the fun times we had.

I love you, 

Your brother forever

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