Advice to Students | Teen Ink

Advice to Students

October 7, 2023
By jstn-chonger BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
jstn-chonger BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello students - I stand before you today to impart some invaluable advice that will undoubtedly shape the rest of your lives. Having been a student myself, I understand the trials and tribulations that block you from your academic goal. I’ve seen it all - the procrastination, the stress, and the all nighters. But don’t worry, because today I am here to advise you through all the struggles that you may face.
Firstly, beginning with the most pressing issue facing modern-day students - the dreaded exam season. You see the key to acing your tests is not studying for hours on end or understanding the material - oh no, that would be far too logical. Instead, you must focus all your energy on memorizing the information that is related to the subject. Who cares about critical thinking or creativity when you can simply memorize the dates of battles that happened centuries ago or the names of obscure literary devices that no one has ever heard of? And don't even get me started on multiple-choice questions - why bother writing out a thoughtful answer when you can just guess and hope for the best? And if worst comes to worst, you can just simply cheat on your tests, right?
Now, let's move on to a more interesting topic - attendance. You may think that showing up to class regularly is important for your education and success, but let me tell you, that is simply not the case. The less you attend, the better off you'll be. Why attend class when you have Google and Wikipedia instead? Think about it - by skipping class, you have more time to pursue your true passions, like watching Netflix or scrolling mindlessly through social media. Plus, you'll avoid all those pesky group projects and class discussions that just get in the way of your precious free time. And if you're feeling bold, why not just skip the entire semester and show up on the last day to take the finals? It's a risky move, but who knows, you just might pass with flying colors.
Finally, there’s the topic of mental health and workload. Teachers give you tons of work to increase your stress and anxiety. But don’t worry, by pushing yourself to the brink of insanity and pushing limits, you will emerge from the stress stronger than you were before. By pushing yourself to the limits, you can develop the skills to handle any challenges that come in the future. Just focus on that shiny gold star on your report card to boost your self esteem. So don’t worry about the mental breakdowns or the fact that you’re barely staying awake every day - it’s for your good.
So there you have it- my invaluable advice for making the most of your academic career. Remember, it's not about learning or growing as a person, it's about memorizing useless information, skipping class, and pushing your limits to the extreme. And if anyone tells you otherwise, just smile politely, nod your head, and secretly pity them for their ignorance. Thank you, and good luck with your academic career.

The author's comments:

This is a mock satirical speech about school. This is a similar speech to Mark Twain's Advice to Youth.

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