The frightening ascent into adulthood | Teen Ink

The frightening ascent into adulthood

October 22, 2023
By AbeerJalal BRONZE, Lahore, Other
AbeerJalal BRONZE, Lahore, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“So what are your plans for the future?” A question I have always viewed as an unsettling one.

The only answer I have always had for it is “I’m not sure.”Which is actually very unlike me , as i’m a person who likes to have each and everything planned out in front of me.However, when it comes to the future and the unknown it causes such a huge sense of anxiety and uncertainty that not being sure about it is the only thing i feel.

Every year on my birthday,I have cried.The thought that I am yet again a year older and with this new number comes a new set of expectations and responsibilities is a thought that consumes me day and night.Growing up is quite frightening.Independence is as daunting as it is liberating.And the thought of failing to meet adult expectations and the expectations i hold for myself looms over my head like dark cloud.

It is the fear that I am not emotionally equipped to handle adult relationships with the people around me and the fear of losing the connections I now hold and the uncertainty I feel when I think of the new connections to come.

It is the thought that one decision now, one mistake could have such extensive consequences.As a teenage girl in grade 11, the exams I'm going to give in  the coming year will define the rest of my life.Or so i am told.Aren’t we too young for this?Too young to be giving exams that affect a majority of our lives and too young to be making these life changing decisions.It is the weight of these expectations that are crushing.The expectations of having it all figured out.

The author's comments:

This is a feeling i feel like every young adult experiences as they venture into adulthood.

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